
Fostering a Growth Mindset in Your Students

Course #:

EDDU 9451


3 semester hours of graduate credit from University of Massachusetts Global.



Course Description

It is clear from the research, that for students to be successful in the classroom, they need to possess certain attitudes and beliefs about themselves and their ability to learn. These attitudes and beliefs have been collectively categorized as students who possess a “growth mindset.” Meaning that these students believe in their ability to learn, grow, and develop is based upon their hard work, perseverance, practice, and dedication.  It is not the result of some genetic lottery where some individuals are lucky and receive the “gifted” gene, and others pull the “ordinary ” gene. What is even more important, is that research has shown that these beliefs and attitudes can be taught to students and have a significant impact upon improving student performance in the classroom.


If you have any questions, please contact Emily Berchier at:


(503) 333-9609

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