Hawaii info

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How to Register

Choose which course you want to take

Get verbal confirmation from your principal

Register for the course you want to take at LoVerdeGroup.com. You will be guided to a secure checkout at UMass Global.

24 hours hours after registering, you will receive a welcome email and the coursework from the LoVerde Group.

earn Graduate Level Professional Development Credits toward reclassification

The DOE now allows teachers to earn graduate level professional development credits toward reclassification. That means no more portfolios and you don’t have to register through the PDE3 website. You can register directly through the LoVerde Group after you get your Principal’s approval.

Financial Assistance Opportunities with INPEACE - Ka Lama Education Academy

The Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture (INPEACE) – Ka Lama Education Academy is partnering with the LoVerde Group to offer sponsored professional development opportunities for reclassification to eligible participants. Click here to see if you qualify and learn more about their mission to support existing teachers in their home communities through college assistance, mentorship, and professional development training.

What’s the difference between WebEx and Self-Paced Classes?

WebEx Class Benefits: Teachers can collaborate with peers and learn from our dynamic live presenter, Dave Dunaway. The course includes two scheduled online meetings, with additional independent work. Course offerings vary throughout the year—visit our Live Course page for more details.

Self-Paced Class Benefits: Teachers have the flexibility to start anytime and complete the coursework at their own pace, with over 30 courses to choose from.

TESOL Approved Courses

DOE is now Accepting
University Credits
Like They Did in the
90ʻs and Early 2000s!

This is a recent change and click the button below to see the memo stating the change. This means Hawaii teacher can take our online classes or live WebX classes.

You must get Principal approval for any class you take. All of our classes are written to address specific parts of the District’s Strategic Plan. When you go for Principal approval you can share with them what objectives the class is addressing. Click the button to see what objectives each class addresses. This also means the portfolios submitted to the LoVerde Group WILL NOT have to be resubmitted to the DOE’s PDE3 office for further evaluation and assessment. Participants will receive credit through UMASS Global.


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