
Innovative Strategies for Team Teaching With ESL, SPED and Gen Ed Educators

Course #:

EDEU 9850


3 semester hours of graduate level professional development credits from University of Massachusetts Global.



Course Description

Course Description: This comprehensive course is designed to fortify collaborative efforts between ESL, Special Education (SPED) and General Education (Gen Ed) teachers, providing targeted support for students with diverse learning needs, especially English Language Learners (ELL). In the first module, participants will explore strategies tailored to the unique backgrounds of ESL students, selecting two individuals for in-depth cultural and academic evaluation. Module two will shift the focus to effective collaboration and communication, offering specific ELL strategies to build bridges between SPED and Gen Ed instructors. In module three, they will identify key data points and benchmarks crucial for student success. In the final module they will reflect upon what they learned and how they can work better as a team.


If you have any questions, please contact Emily Berchier at:


(503) 333-9609

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