3 semester hours of graduate level professional development credits from University of Massachusetts Global.
The student population entering today’s classroom is more culturally and linguistically diverse than ever before. The National Center of Education Statistics (NCES), estimates that 10 percent of today’s students are identified as English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. This number is only expected to increase in the coming years. Additionally, we know the importance that a sense of belonging and inclusion has on a studentʻs desire and ability to learn. The challenge then for teachers is how to have these culturally and linguistically diverse students feel accepted in their classroom.
In this course, we will examine the many different strategies and techniques used by teachers to foster a sense of inclusion in their classrooms. The effectiveness of each strategy or technique is based upon a variety of factors including the student’s home culture, the age and maturity level of their general student population, the amount of diversity in the classroom, and parental support, just to name a few.
Participants will be asked to assess these various factors and then, with this information, create methods to address the needs of ESL students. They will communicate these strategies with both the instructors and peers to receive feedback on how they can make these actions more effective.
After implementation, teachers will then evaluate the impact each technique had on ESL students, and the emotional state in their classroom. Participants will also include which actions they would plan on continuing to use, which they may refine, modify, or discard.
Note: Participants with limited to no contact with ESL students can discuss their research and strategies with accessible classroom teachers. Information will be shared to encourage best teaching practice and professional growth.
Once you register for a course, please allow 24 hours to receive your coursework. The LoVerde Group will email you a Google Drive link containing your coursework along with a welcome email.
If you have any questions, please contact Emily Berchier at:
The student population entering today’s classroom is more culturally and linguistically diverse than ever before. The National Center of Education Statistics (NCES), estimates that 10 percent of today’s students are identified as English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. This number is only expected to increase in the coming years. Additionally, we know the importance that a sense of belonging and inclusion has on a studentʻs desire and ability to learn. The challenge then for teachers is how to have these culturally and linguistically diverse students feel accepted in their classroom.
In this course, we will examine the many different strategies and techniques used by teachers to foster a sense of inclusion in their classrooms. The effectiveness of each strategy or technique is based upon a variety of factors including the student’s home culture, the age and maturity level of their general student population, the amount of diversity in the classroom, and parental support, just to name a few.
Participants will be asked to assess these various factors and then, with this information, create methods to address the needs of ESL students. They will communicate these strategies with both the instructors and peers to receive feedback on how they can make these actions more effective.
After implementation, teachers will then evaluate the impact each technique had on ESL students, and the emotional state in their classroom. Participants will also include which actions they would plan on continuing to use, which they may refine, modify, or discard.
Note: Participants with limited to no contact with ESL students can discuss their research and strategies with accessible classroom teachers. Information will be shared to encourage best teaching practice and professional growth.
Once you register for a course, please allow 24 hours to receive your coursework. The LoVerde Group will email you a Google Drive link containing your coursework along with a welcome email.
Course Structure
Submitting Your Work
Course Timeline & Completion
Accessing Your Grades & Transcript
If you have any questions, please contact Emily Berchier at:
(503) 333-9609