
Reaching the Reluctant Learner

Course #:

EDDU 9005


3 semester hours of graduate level professional development credits from University of Massachusetts Global.



Course Description

The reluctant learner is one of the most challenging students a teacher can face in their classroom. The student’s struggle or decision not to be engaged in the learning process cannot only impact their success in the classroom, but that of the other students as well.  In this course we will examine the various factors that can cause a student not to engaged and provide specific 4 -step model fro have this student be successful in your classroom. While the reluctant learner can present a challenge for the teacher, understanding the factors that cause that disengagement and having strategies to address each of those factors can made a significant impact on the student’s success in the classroom.


If you have any questions, please contact Emily Berchier at:


(503) 333-9609

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